1.2.4. Uninstall

Follow the next actions to make the current module uninstalled:

1. Login to FTP root directory - specify ftp access details to connect to FTP via any FTP client and go to directory, where is the store with all necessary files are located (i.e. app, var, setup etc).

2. Adhere to the following path to find the location for removal:

Delete mobassistantconnector folder

Delete the Mobassistantconnector folder with all content .

Delete mobassistant dir

3. Move to the another location on FTP for the next action:


and open the config.php file:

Open config file

Choose the row with Mobile Assistant Connector text and remove it (erase) from a file content.

Choose te3xt with mobile assistant module to delete

Save the changes before closing.

Press 'Save' in config file before closing it

You can exit from the FTP client now.

4. Launch the Store Manager and open Raw Table Editor section. You need to find the 'setup_module' table of your store database .

5. Type some letters in the upper ribbon-searcher to get the filtered data.

Ribbon search

6. Open necessary table on the right pane and from the modules list choose the required position. Use an option from the top toolbar to remove selected row from a list.

Delete Mobassistant from a list

7. You should delete the other tables related to the mobile Assistant Connector module from the store as well. We provide as an example below how to remove necessary tables from the store database via Store Manager. The only thing you need to use direct type of connection to be able to perform the following actions:

- specify the first letters of the module title in the search ribbon and you will see the results:

Mobile Assistant tables

- select all of them and by helping with the right mouse clicking call the context menu. The Drop command helps removing selected tables at once.

Drop tables with mobassistant

These steps allow to delete the module from all locations - Admin Panel, FTP server and Store Manager.

However, you can use any other habitual for you program to delete required records from the database, i.e. cPanel, phpMyAdmin etc.

If you face with any difficulties with the module uninstallation, please contact us and we will gladly help you.