2.4 Uninstall

Important! Mobile Assistant Connector requires a new user to be created in order to connect your Mobile app to your WooCommerce store.  While uninstallation of Mobile assistant connector you are removing (deleting) your user data automatically, specifically username and password.
Google analytics data is depersonalized and is automatically deleted in 90 days.
Firebase - eMagicOne is keeping registry data information in database. In order to remove data from database, please contact our support team via contact@emagicone.com
For further assistance please contact support team via contact@emagicone.com

To delete module with all tables of the store database follow the next instructions:

1. Login to the Backend office and in the 'Module and Services' section find Mobile Assistant Connector installed.

2. Open the drop-down list with the possible actions by using the triangle button next to the 'Configure' option:

Configure drop-down menu

3. Choose 'Delete' command and confirm your selection in the form which appears afterwards.

4. You should receive the message that the module has been successfully deleted from the Admin area.

Delete confirmation message

The module folder is removed from the FTP and Store Manager tables as well.

Module deleted