2.2 Translation of Order PDF Template
In case you have multilingual store and you want to print the invoice in the original language in which the order was created, perform the following actions in your
Admin Panel:
1) In the Dashboard area find Localization and open the drop-down menu to choose and move to the Translations section.
2) Make selection in the fields to start translation process:
- in 'type of translation' field choose from the drop-down list the 'Installed modules translations';
- in theme filed - core (no theme selected) position;
- do not forget to choose the appropriate language below. In the drop-down list there are all languages existing at your store. Indicate the one which you want to translate on.
Press 'Modify' button to proceed.
In the next step you will see the section for Order translations fields, named 'Order_PDF' - these data form the template of your order invoice.
In each field opposite the default values you can specify translation variant.
When the process is completed press the 'Save' or ‘Save and Stay’ option depending on your further steps.
The file with the translation will be automatically generated and placed in your store root directory on FTP. You can find particular translation, by following such path on
the FTP server:
ROOT_DIR_STORE/modules/mobassistantconnector/translations/ISO_LANGUAGE_CODE.php ,
where the ROOT_DIR_STORE - is the root directory on the FTP server, where the store with all files are located;
ISO_LANGUAGE_CODE - the global code of countries designations. Depending on the source language, this file will be generated with the appropriate country code in the end.
You can generate invoice on the particular order, sent to print or download PDF file by pressing the appropriate options in Orders section from your phone:
Starting from the last module updates you are able to get the Edit Product function enabled for additional fee. On the Products page you can see the option for editing:
Depending on the localization and the country of the store you will get the following pop-up announcement with the appropriate offers and their price (the currency will be taken based on the country which the store is related to):
You can provide us with the translation file at mobile@emagicone.com to contribute to the implementation of auto-translated order PDF template in future module updates.